Sinnington Pre School
About Sinnington Pre-school
We have developed a wonderful play space both indoors and out for children aged 2 to 4 years. Our safe, warm and homely environment provides endless opportunities for play and exploration, inspiring children’s learning and development. We have clear aspirations for all our children which are naturally entwined throughout everything we do to effectively support and enable them to become confident life-long learners. Our staff work extremely hard to build positive relationships with children and their families and work collaboratively with parents in order to nurture children’s confidence, ability and curiosity to learn. Every child is recognised as a unique individual and we support and celebrate children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development will be supported and celebrated. We are attuned to identifying children’s individual needs, including SEND, and work hard to support children and families appropriately allowing them to be successful. Key Person system Each child has the support of their key person (staff member) to encourage relevant information sharing. Each child’s key person will also put photographs and other information about a child’s learning and development on Tapestry, this includes a brief report summary towards the end of each term. Tapestry is a two-way process and parents are encouraged to share children’s experiences at home through photographs, dialogues and other information important to their child and family. The Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum (EYFS) The EYFS guides us in providing a broad and balanced early years education for all children whilst facilitating children to gain new skills, knowledge and understanding to support them on their individual learning journeys. The Prime areas of learning and development. Personal, Social and Emotional Development. Communication and Language. Physical Development. The Specific areas of learning and development. Literacy. Mathematics. Understanding the World. Pre-School_ Planning_and_Progression_document_2022-23_Cycle B.pdf
Expressive Arts & Design Through the seven areas of learning we provide well planned play-based learning spaces, experiences and topics that excite and engage children which will enhance endless opportunities for child-initiated play. Children will be able to build on their own interests and develop their experiences. Outdoor Play We love to be outdoors and children have access to our outdoor areas throughout the day, enjoying lots of lots of open-ended play opportunities including the mud kitchen, gardening and forest school experiences. Parents are encouraged to send children with suitable outdoor clothing for all weathers. Opening times Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays 9.00am to 3.00pm (term time only). Thursdays 9.00am to 11.30am. Session times Full days 9am to 3pm Morning session 9am to 11.30am Lunch session 11.30am to 12.30pm Afternoon session 12.30am to 3pm Dinners Children can bring a packed lunch or have a hot dinner which can either be booked in advance or on the day. Hot dinners are served as family service alongside those children with a packed lunch, both children and staff sit together for the lunch time routine. Wrap around care Our Breakfast and After School Clubs provide additional care for children around the school and pre-school days. We provide a warm and welcoming environment for up to 20 children, aged 2 to 11 years. Meet the Staff: